Biota and Environment of Natural Areas

Markevich A.I.

Spatial Distribution and Dynamics of Rockfish Sebastes Abundance in Far Eastern Marine Reserve

Year: 2019, Number: 3, Pages: 78-94

Territorial distribution and dynamics of abundance of rockfish Sebastes Cuvier: white-edged, threestripe, minor and Korean rockfish are studied on the basis of long-term observations (1981–2017). It was revealed, that main defining factors of fish distribution are depth and temperature of water, presence of shelters and food. Sharp increasing of white-edged rockfish abundance and decreasing of minor rockfish initially were in the mid- of 1990 years, those changes are maintained at present. The key factors at the initial stage of abundance changes were climatic changes (increasing of water temperature), and at the subsequent stage – inner population regulating mechanisms. Dynamics of threestripe and Korean rockfishes abundances is defined by population endogenous rhythms of these fishes.

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