Biota and Environment of Natural Areas

Vrisсh D.L.

Polymorphism of the Rhododendron schlippenbachii Maxim. on the northern border of the area

Year: 2019, Number: 1, Pages: 5-22

Rhododendron schlippenbachii Maxim. – Royal Azalea is interesting for breeding and decorative gardening as it has a rare beauty during flowering. The purpose of this article was to review the results of studying the forms of Royal Azalea in the collection of the Botanical Garden-Institute of the Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and in natural conditions. The data on morphology, biology, ontogenesis and vegetative reproduction are summarized. The dwarf trees of the Royal Azalea 100–150 cm high are described. It is revealed that the tree form of the Royal Azalea can be obtained by growing seedlings close to each other. Three forms of flowering periods: early, medium and late flowering. There are 5 flower forms: lobed, lobed with fringed edges, lobed with wrapped edges, star-shaped and star-shaped, and also forms with different color, size and terry: pink flowers (from light pink to dark pink), pink-terry, white, lilac, cream, peach, yellow, dark pink, purple crimson, speckled and flowers with perianth leaves with pale pink edges and cream center. Selected substrate for sowing seeds; the best period for sowing seeds and the best time for picking seedlings are selected; it is determined that planting plants in a permanent place is desirable before the first flowering. Since 2013, the technology of obtaining planting material of Royal Azalea has been used in the practice of the research and production department of the Botanical Garden-Institute of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

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