Hornbeam-broad-leaved-spruce-Korean pine forest in the period from 1926 to 2003 (Ussuriysk Natural Reserve, Southern Primorsky Krai

Man’ko Yu.I., Kudinov A.I., Gladkova G.A., Butovets G.N.

В журнале Contemporary Problems of Ecology

Год: 2009 Том: 2 Номер: 6 Страницы: 593-600

Long monitoring (1926-2003) on the permanent test plot laid by B. A. Ivashkevich in the overmature virgin hornbeam-Korean pine forest with spruce shows that the Korean pine is subject to dying-off and has lost its prevailing role in the tree stand. At the same time the tree species dominating the lower layer of tree stand that have completed their life cycle fall off. The dead trees of these species are quickly replaced by young growth, whereas the young generation of Korean pine able to shape a new tree stand has not formed. All this indicates that the cyclicity of the alternation of the Korean pine generations is disturbed. The phase of dominance of deciduous species begins.

DOI 10.1134/S1995425509060174