Biomimetic synthesis of nanosized silica structures on a substrate with silicatein

Shkryl Y.N., Veremeichik G.N., Avramenko T.V., Bulgakov V.P., Semiletova I.V., Shchipunov Y.A., Nepomnyaschiy A.V., Voznesenskiy S.S., Kovalchuk S.N., Kozhemyako V.B.

В журнале Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry

Год: 2018 Том: 44 Номер: 4 Страницы: 469-471

Using atomic force microscopy (AFM), the formation of nanosized silica structures on a substrate, catalyzed by the recombinant silicatein LoSilA1 from the marine sponge Latrunculia oparinae, was studied. It has been shown that at room temperature under neutral conditions, recombinant silicatein immobilized on a mica substrate causes the rapid polycondensation of tetrakis(2-hydroxyethyl) orthosilicate to form spherical particles. Thus, immobilized silicatein may acts as a catalyst in the preparation of ordered silica structures on various surfaces.

DOI 10.1134/S1068162018040180