Possibilities of obtaining and controlling virus-free material in the process of selection and seed production of main crops

Kakareka N., Volkov Yu., Tolkach V., Sapotskyi M., Shchelkanov M.

В журнале IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

Год: 2021 Том: 937 ArticleID: 032108

It is known that after being infected with phytoviruses plants do not recover. Breeding virus-resistant cultivars also does not give reliable results due to the high variability of pathogens and their diversity. And since it is impossible to obtain stable forms then one of the goals of protection a virus-free material and preventing its re-infection. To improve the health of vegetative propagated plant species, you can use the method of tissue culture of the apical meristem. In some cases true seeds can be healed by thermal or chemical treatment. The data on viruses infecting the main agricultural crops of the Russian Far East are presented; the features of their distribution and interaction with plants are described. Possible measures are given to prevent of phytoviruses spreading and re-infection of virus-free plants in the process of breeding and seed production, in gardening and landscape design.

DOI 10.1088/1755-1315/937/3/032108

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