Phytoviruses and their impact of the plant community diversity

Kakareka N.N., Volkov Yu.G., Tolkach V.F., Dunaeva M.N., Shchelkanov M.Yu.

В издании 2nd International Conference on Northeast Asia Biodiversity (Baishan, China; August 27-31, 2019): Abstract

Год: 2019 Страницы: 19

In negative environmental conditions phytoviruses are one of the most active factors that decrease persistence of plants to adverse effects, which leads to a change of biodiversity in natural plant communities. The presence of primary infection sources is of the most importance. In natural phytocenoses such a source could be infected plants growing close to crops. Cultivated plants could also be a source of inoculation. Ultimately, this leads to interchange. In the natural and agrocenoses there is an increased accumulation of phytopathogens, which differ by their harmfulness and – depending on it – affect the changes in biodiversity. The patterns of distribution of phytoviruses in biocenoses vary significantly. Viruses could be spread both vertically (seeds, tubers, cuttings) and by vectors. The virosis structures are markedly distant in different agroclimatic zones. In the Northern regions entomophilous viruses are unusual and they are more often spread mechanically with planting materials; in the Southern ones vector-borne viruses are more significant and they are depending on natural reservoirs.

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