Noctuoidea Sibiricae. Part 3: Noctuidae: Cuculliinae – Noctuinae, part (Lepidoptera). - (Proceedings of the Museum Witt Munich, Vol.5)

Kononenko V.S.

Год: 2016

ISBN: 978-3-940732-29-3

This fifth volume of the “Proceedings of the Museum Witt Munich” (PMWM) represents the third part of the book-series “Noctuoidea Sibiricae”. The first two books of this project were published in 2005 and 2010 as “Noc- tuidae Sibiricae” (Kononenko 2005, 2010) by “Entomological Press” under the editorship of Michael Fibiger (Denmark). Upon Michael Fibiger’s untimely passing in 2011, Dr. Thomas Witt proposed to continue the Noc- tuidae Sibiricae series in the “Proceedings of the Museum Witt Munich” under the new title Noctuoidea Sibiricae”. The format and style of the publications have been changed and adopted to requirements of the PMWM. The mission of the Noctuoidea Sibiricae book-series is to provide updated information on systematics, taxonomy, fauna, ecology and geographical distribution of the members of four families falling under the modern concept of Noctuoidea or so-called “Noctuidae (sensu lato)” (Nolidae, Erebidae including Lymantriinae and Arctiinae, Euteliidae and Noctuidae) of the Urals, and the Asian part of Russia, i.e. Siberia and the Russian Far East. Noctuidae Sibiricae was originally planned as a book series expanding the edition “Noctuidae Europaeae” from the Ural Mountains (the easternmost geographical limits for Noctuidae Europaeae) to the Pacific coast of Russia. Together with the editions of the “Noctuidae Europaeae”, “Moths of Japan”, “Illustrated Catalogue of the Noctuidae in Korea” and the “Moths of America North of Mexico”, the Noctuidae Sibiricae series extends the geographical coverage of the arctic and temperate northern and eastern Palaearctic to provide a complete Hol- arctic view on the biodiversity and biogeography of the Noctuoidea taxa. These parallel projects have already resulted in a much better understanding of generic relationships, which have led to many necessary synonyms and new generic combinations. This fully illustrated guide with colour plates of adults and images of genitalia for all known species is published for the first time for the Russian territory. The scope of this book-series in fact exceeds that territory and also provides valuable information for neighbouring countries and regions. Classification of the superfamily Noctuoidea has seen dramatic changes since the first two volumes of the “Noctuidae Sibiricae” were published in 2005 and 2010. The “Noctuidae (sensu lato)” were divided into four families: Nolidae, Erebidae, Euteliidae and Noctuidae; Arctiinae and Lymantriinae were recognized as subfamilies of Erebidae. To address the many new faunistic data and taxonomic changes accumulated in this period we will re-publish the first two volumes of the “Noctuidae Sibiricae” in the framework of PMWM as a combined, updated “Noctuoidea Sibiricae, parts one & two”. Like the current part three these and planned parts four and five of “Noctuoidea Sibiricae”, will each contain the revision of about 400-500 taxa, including diagnoses, bionomics, distributional data maps, adult and genitalia illustrations for each species. Many museums and private lepidopterists have been extremely helpful in supporting this long and exhaustive work. It is our hope that lepidopterists interested in the fauna of Russia and the greater Holarctic region will find this new information useful to their study and find Noctuoidea Sibiricae an essential resource.