Обустройство родников Владивостока: взаимодействие власти, бизнеса и общественности

Анисимова О.В., Вшивкова Т.С., Дроздов К.А.

В издании Природа без границ: VIII Международный экологический форум

Год: 2014 Страницы: 51-57

The problem of clean water becomes one of the main problems in the XXI century. All freshwater resources: surface water, springs, underground water require careful consideration of their ecological status. At the first stage of this work, especially in respect to freshwater objects located in urban zones, saving and restoration of freshwater objects can be made by the interested public and NGOs, supported by local governments, scientists, environmental managements and socially oriented business. The results of the social Project «Restore Vladivostok Springs Together!» carried on by the public ecological agencies (PEA) «Springs of Kirov’s Forest» under the aegis of Public-Scientific Coordination «Clean Water Center», as well as examples of springs restoration are demonstrated. It is emphasized that the protection of our freshwater resources became more effective in cooperation activities of public, government, society, science, and business.

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