Tzyrenova D.Ju., Kassatkina A.P.

Ecological anatomy of the riverbank ephemer Coleanthus subtilis (Poaceae) in the Lower Amur River

Year: 2015, Issue: LXIII, Pages: 191 - 198

The paper presents the results of anatomical research of vegetative organs of Coleanthus subtilis, riverbank grass species from the Lower Amur River. It was revealed that the species has the microstructure of the land hygrophyte: collenchymatous cortical parenchyma and fascicular parenchyma between fascicles in the stem, typical endoderma and sclerenchyma in the central cylinder in the root, sclerophytic epiderma, compact mesophyll and sclerenchyma covering of fascicles in the leaf. This is the combination of typical and specific adaptive characters of hygromorphic and heliomorphic nature. Adaptation of the species to sandy-mud lower marsh habitat conditions is effected by way of histological transformation of tissues. With that, narrow specialization of the species does not affect the typical structure of plant organs and does not provoke the reduction of their internal structure. Coleanthus subtilis has some unusual characters: primary xylem with 4 radials in the root, expressed primary cortex and circular arrangement of fascicles.

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