V.Ya. Cherdantseva, V.A. Bakalin, L.S. Yakovchenko, S.S. Choi

Bryophyte flora and lichen biota of Litovka Mt. (Livadiysky Range, Russian Manchuria)

Year: 2013, Issue: LXI, Pages: 9 - 49

The bryophyte flora and lichen biota of Litovka Mt. in the Livadiysky Range of the southern Sikhote-Alin was studied and analyzed. The compiled check-lists include 86 species of hepatics, 111 mosses and 120 lichens, which probably represent ca. 80% of real taxonomic diversity of the groups in investigated area. Large participation in the flora area, the highest taxonomic diversity is typical for broadleaved-spruce-fir forests spread in the middle mountain belt. This forest belt is characterized by wetter conditions in contrast to those in lowland, and warmer climate than in coniferous forest belt. The cryptogamic biota of Litovka Mt. contains a number of rare species; some of them are included in the Red Data Book of Russia, as well as a lot of taxa found here in the strong disjunction from the main area core. Taking into account high peculiarity and taxonomic diversity of cryptogamic biota, it was suggested that Litovka Mt. requires the species protection, probably, in the form of complex nature reserve

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