Yakovchenko L.S., Galanina I.A., Malashkina E.V., Bakalin V.A.

Mosses and lichens in the minimally disturbed forest communities of the Lower Amur River area (Russian Far East)

Year: 2013, Issue: LX, Pages: 9 - 68

The taxonomical diversity of bryoflora and lichenobiota of minimally disturbed forest communities of the Lower Amur River basin is described. The list includes 305 species of lichens, 68 species of mosses and 53 species of hepatics. Five species of lichens are newly recorded for the Russian Far East (Bacidia rosella, Lecanora achariana, L. saligna, Melanelixia albertana, Ochrolechia cfr. xanthostoma), 10 species of lichens are new for south of the Russian Far East (Biatora fallax, B. flavopunctata, B. ocelliformis, B. pallens, B. sphaeroidiza, B. subduplex, Frutidella caesioatra, Lecanora sulphurea, Rhizocarpon polycarpum, Xylographa  vitiligo) and 5 species of hepatics are new for the Khabarovskii Territory (Frullania oakesiana, Lophozia ascendens, L. lantratoviae, Nipponolejeunea subalpina, Ptilidium californicum). The vegetation complexes which are the most interesting for study of cryptogamic organisms were found.

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