Prilutskyi A.N.

Phenomenon self-oganization in Quercus mongolica communities

Year: 2005, Issue: LII, Pages: 188 - 198

Appraisal conducted vitality Quercus mongolica under different conditions for provision with water. For the method of approach was took a principle action of the Second Low of Thermodynamics in plants, that author elaborate on the basis of the E. Shredinger physical conception viable. Of inferences are most impotent following. It is agree to theory, that the biotic component of ecosystem rises himself organization at the expense of decrease degree of order in ecotop. The ecological optimum Quercus mongolica existence in a Q. corylosum as it established by comparison of the property of being regime soil humidity in oak forests. This conclusion was confirmed by a fact high stability of homeostasis him ecophenotype.

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