Kozhevnikova Z.E.

Contemporary condition, problems of conservation and development prospect of vascular plants collections in Herbarium (VLA) of institute of Biology and Soil Science of FEB RAS

Year: 2000, Issue: XLVI, Pages: 158 - 182

In the capacity of the work basis at rise of Herbarium collections representation in virtue of summary data "Vascular plants of Soviet Far East" (1985-1996. Vol. 1-8) the taxons annotative list has been composed. There taxons arc adducing on the collections basis of the biggest native and foreign Herbariums or literary sources, which's Herbarium materials absent in the fund of VLA. The list includes 348 taxons (346 species and 2 subspecies). 43 of these taxons are "doubtful" (not clear in systematic respect, known just from the literary sources): 71 alien: 84 endemic. Absent in the basic Fund sources of the cultivated flora and taxons of the hybrideorigin have been adduced separately. The future development ways of the collections funds system in the basis of creation of data computer base have been outlined: The transition to the new geographic division into districts of the region by arrangement of the far eastern collections materials has been substantiated. The scheme of this arrangement has been adduced. The development prospects of Institute of Biology and Soil Science of FEB RAS Herbarium (VLA) asabigest plants collection in Russia of APR countries have been outlined.

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