Kozhevnikov A.E.

V.L. Komarov species concept and some problems of phytogeography in the Russian Far East: Cyperaceae

Year: 1997, Issue: XLIII, Pages: 5 - 81

V. Komarov monotypic species is much more  adequate  to  habitat conditions than polytypic species. The series of Komarov monotypic species indicate evolutionary trends.  These peculiarities of Komarov species concept increase possibilities of phytogeographical analysis, especially for revealing regional features of plant world development. The family Cyperaceae is represented by 346 species, 15 genera in the Russian Far East (RFE).· Within this family floristic complexes in RFE are: meadow­ flood-plain  (4 eco-coenological  groups,  102 species from 11 genera,  29.5%), forest (3, 84-3, 24.3%), arctic-alpine and mountain (4, 79-5, 22.8%), hyparctic (3,27-3, 7.8%), steppe (3, 22-2, 6.4%), meadow-littoral (4, 22-5, 6.4%), arctic (2, 5-1,1.4%)  and  adventive  (1,  5-1,  1.4%). The main regularities of geographical distribution of Cyperacea in RFE are revealed. Three main florogenetic areas for Cyperaceae in RFE are:  1. Amur River basin; 2. Oceanic territories of East and North Asia; 3. Continental mountains and alpine  regions.

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