Kozhevnikov A.E., Kozhevnikova Z.V.

State and problems of biological diversity protection of the Amursky Region vascullar plants

Year: 1996, Issue: XLII, Pages: 30 - 68

Evaluation of existing and projected natural protection territories (NPT) - reserves and national parks in the Amursky Region and some problems of vascular plants protet1on  there are given. Three projecting NPT in the west of the Amursky  Region (national park “Oloekma” and reserve "Amursky") are described and their role among ex1st1ng South Siberian and. Russian Far Eastern NPT is shown. The problem of "Red Data Book" for the Amursky Region is discussed. The Annotated list of vascular plants includes 329 rare and endangered species of the Amursky Region, which occur on projecting NPT (national park "Oloekma" and reserve "Amursky"). Middle-Asian = South Siberian genus Schulzia Spreng. (S. crinita (Pall.) Spreng), as well as  Elymus transbaicalensis (Nevski) Tzvel., Papaver pseud ocanescens M. Pop. subsp. udocanicum Peschkova and P. setosum (A. Tolm.) Peschkova are indicated in the Russian Far East for the first time.

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