Valova Z.G. and Kurentsova G.Е.

Relict lianas in southwestern Primorye, USSR

Year: 1974, Issue: XXI, Pages: 43 - 50

The paper shows some specific features of the flora апd vegetation оf southwestern Primorye, the evidence obtained being based on our own field research relevant literature. The northern boundary for the distribution areas of Lespedeza cyrtobotrya, Rhododendron scihlippenbachii, Quercus dentata was shown to pass S. W. Primorye, the only place where the relict woody lianas Pueraria hirsuta and Parthenocissus tricuspidata grow. Their common and local areas are described to show the morphology, ecology, phytocenotic and economic significance and relationships with other florae. The authors note that the above the liana species are successfully cultivated as ornamental and fodder crops both in the USSR and abroad. Suitable methods for protecting and enlarging natural brushwood around lianas, as well as cultivation techniques are also suggested.

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