Sаmоуlоvа Т.V.

Weymouth pine in Primorye region

Year: 1972, Issue: XIX, Pages: 5 - 14

In dendrological garden of Gorno-Tayozhnaya station of Far East. sci. center weymouth pine - Pinus strobus L. at the age of 34 reaches 17-19 m in height and 44-55 cm in  diameter; at the age of 20 it started to yield а great number of germinable seeds. Self-seeding of weymouth рinе was noted at the radius up to 3 km, from dendrological garden in oak groves аnd in the other forest plots оn slopes of various exposures. They are nоt observed аn affection of weymouth рinе with pests and parasitic fungi as well as breaking of branches under the weight of snow.

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